Response is available for usage when in request context.
The class implemented extends the Response-wrapper from Flask. So no changes there. But a ResponseHelper has been implemented for your comfort. The helper makes it easier to construct your responses.
Note: for more on the response (not the helper) see the Flask documentation
The current request can be accessed inside the controller and get used like the flask request.
from edmunds.http.controller import Controller
class MyController(Controller):
def login(self):
# Fix status for constructed responses
# Assigns a value to a key
# Will be used when constructing json-, or render-responses
self.response.assign('name', 'Jon Snow')
# Assigns headers to constructed responses
self.response.header('XToken', 'mytoken')
# Assigns cookie to constructed responses
self.response.cookie('XToken', 'mytoken')
# Returns a rendered template (using assigned values)
result = self.response.render_template('mytemplate.html')
# Returns raw response with given content
return self.response.raw('My content')
# Returns json response with assigned values
return self.response.json()
# Returns response with rendered template (using assigned values)
return self.response.render('mytemplate.html')
# Returns response to redirect browser
return self.response.redirect('/newlocation')
# Returns file response
return self.response.file('filetodownload.txt')