Input and Validation

For an explanation on input and validation, you are on the right address.


Querystring-data, form-data and file-data are all combined in the Input-class. The class takes the current request in its constructor and processed request.args, request.form and request.files. All data can be accessed like you would access them separately.

from edmunds.http.input import Input
from edmunds.globals import request

input = Input(request)
username = input['username']
password = input['password']
city = input.get('city', 'unknown')

Note: for more on the request-data see the docs

Usage in Controllers

Controllers are by default equipped with an instance of the input object. You can use it to access the submitted data.

from edmunds.http.controller import Controller

class MyController(Controller):
    def login(self):
        username = self.input['username']
        password = self.input['password']
        city = self.input.get('city', 'unknown')


Edmunds has a validator which extends from wtforms.Form. You can use it like you would use WTForms. Validator has one extra attribute: validates which keeps the state of the last call to validates().

Note: for more on WTForms see the docs

Usage with Input

Input has the Validator builtin. You can use it by passing your Validator-class to the validate-function.

from edmunds.validation.validator import Validator
from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, validators
from edmunds.http.controller import Controller

class LoginValidator(Validator):
    email = StringField('Email Address', [validators.Length(min=6, max=35)])
    password = PasswordField('Password', [validators.DataRequired()])

class MyController(Controller):
    def login(self):
        validator = self.input.validate(LoginValidator)
        if validator.validates: