
Untested Code is Broken Code

Creating tests

Add your own tests to the tests-directory and initiate them like so:

from tests.testcase import TestCase

class MyTest(TestCase):
    Test my tests

    def set_up(self):
        Set up the test case
        super(MyTest, self).set_up()

    def tear_down(self):
        Tear down the test case
        super(MyTest, self).tear_down()

    def test_something(self):
        Test something

Running tests

Nose is used for running the tests in the command line. Run them like so:

python manage.py test
python manage.py test --test-suite tests.testmycase


The TestCase-class extends the unittest.TestCase, but implements the default assertion-functions in snake-case format:

# a == b
self.assert_equal(a, b)
# == self.assertEqual(a, b)

# bool(x) is False
# == self.assertFalse(a, b)

# ...