
Console usage is built in in Edmunds and uses default Flask CLI. Edmunds has wrappers to make usage easier and more organized.

Flask CLI uses click to register and use commands. More on this in the Flask CLI documentation.

  • The Manager (base: edmunds.console.manager) is responsible for registering the commands.
  • The Command (base: edmunds.console.command) is a wrapper that uses its run-function as an entry-point for click. Option-decorators can be defined there.


Construct command

Commands are by default located in the app.console.commands-module. Add command decorators to the run-function like you normally would wih click.

from edmunds.console.command import Command
import click

class HelloWorldCommand(Command):
    Prints Hello World!
    @click.option('--what', default='World', help='Hello what?')
    def run(self, what):
        Run the command
        :param what:    Hello what?
        print('Hello %s!' % what)

Register commands

The manager is by default located in the app.console.manager-module. You can register your custom commands (located in app.console.commands) in the manager. This will wrap the run-function of the command in a click.command-decorator so its available for console-usage.

# ...
from edmunds.console.manager import Manager as EdmundsManager
from app.console.commands.helloworldcommand import HelloWorldCommand

class Manager(EdmundsManager):
    # ...
    def add_commands(self):
        # ...
        self.add_command('helloworld', HelloWorldCommand)

Console usage

Console-usage of your application has been integrated in It's a wrapper for the flask-command which requires extra environment-variables. By default the manager in app.console.manager will be loaded. You can use by calling it in your runtime-environment:

python --help
python helloworld