
The RolesAcceptedMiddleware-middleware and the RolesRequiredMiddleware-middleware are two wrapper for respectively the roles_accepted-decorator and the roles_required-decorator.

They are slightly modified so they don't redirect when the requirements are not met. They will just abort with the Forbidden-statuscode (403).

Add them to your routes to protect them:

from edmunds.auth.middleware.rolesacceptedmiddleware import RolesAcceptedMiddleware
from edmunds.auth.middleware.rolesrequiredmiddleware import RolesRequiredMiddleware
from app.http.controllers.mycontroller import MyController

app.route('/acceptsroles', uses=(MyController, 'acceptsroles')) \
    .middleware(RolesAcceptedMiddleware, 'role1', 'role2')
app.route('/requiresroles', uses=(MyController, 'requiresroles')) \
    .middleware(RolesRequiredMiddleware, 'role2', 'role3')


Read the UserDataStore-documentation to see how roles are added and assigned to users.